Sunday, September 10, 2006

Dr. Peter Waybill to speak at PCCAN meeting

What's a CE in the world of carcinoid? How about an RFA?

Join us on Sunday, September 17th beginning at 2:00 pm to learn about these abbreviations and treatments for metastatic carcinoid disease in the liver. The session will be led by Dr. Peter Waybill of Hershey Medical Center. Since the liver is a common place for metastatic carcinoid/NET tumors to appear, this is a topic that many carcinoid patients will need to consider. There will be a question and answer time and the opportunity to network with PCCAN members. The meeting will be held in dining room A, the conference room to the rear of the cafeteria at Hershey Medical Center.

Please RSVP for this meeting and contact PCCAN for directions or with any questions.